My Dalali
Year launched: 2017MyDalali Real Estate Agency Services certainly didn’t begin life as the large enterprise. It began as an idea for dissertation research for a degree program at Ardhi University (Ardhi University is the only University in Tanzania and Africa which offers integrated training in the entire spectrum of land based disciplines specifically Real Estate) at the School of Earth Sciences, Business and Informatics (Formerly the School of Real Estate Studies) with an objective to help college and university students to get off-campus accommodation services. Following the Dissertation research, in September 2017, MyDalali was founded by Mr. Njavike, Emanuel who is now the Director of MyDalali Real Estate being as one well performing dissertations whereas this research emerging as one of the well performed dissertation in the year 2017. Since then, the company slowly but steadily expanded its assets under management and/or ownership, along with growing in staff and expertise. With a passion to transform the real estate agency practices in Tanzania
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HQ Address
+255758070701 mydalali@mydalali.co.tz 2nd Floor, Ubungo Shekilango Area Morogoro rd-Dar es Salaam
+255758070701 mydalali@mydalali.co.tz 2nd Floor, Ubungo Shekilango Area Morogoro rd-Dar es Salaam